Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wet Right Before Period

It reads "Truth for Israel "pronounced" Iran War "Clandestino

say that Israel is an ethno-confessional state that for over forty years occupies Palestinian lands, oppress the people, carrying out massacres of civilians and promoting a society in which Arabs are considered second-class citizens compared to the pure Jewish race.
But it's all fake. Is explained to a conference on "bipartisanship" with the participation of pro-Israeli right-wing ultras, as Fiamma Nirenstein and Giuliano Ferrara, a supporter of the center but also as Walter Veltroni. "Actually, for Israel." Missed.
Here is their truth. "It 's necessary to restore decency of language that has long been lost when it comes to events in the Middle East," attack, addressing the "Elites". But obviously not talking about nonsense like "the peace process," the massacres of civilians as "clashes" or opposition between the "democratic" State of Israel and "terrorists" of Hamas. The truth of the Zionists is that Israel is "besieged by enemies who surround him of hatred, terrorism and missiles, that of a democratic society in countries and unpopular groups for which the oppression of their people is equal to the determination to destroy the State Hebrew, the only democracy in the Middle East. " Who would have thought that planting a huge enclave of Jewish population and culture in an area inhabited by Arabs, stealing with violence the land to its rightful occupants, would have caused a state of siege and of permanent war?
Now, my "truth" is that Israel is a state of sectarian and ethnic violence for decades oppressed by other people and continues to annex territories belonging to others by force and with the gradual colonization. Needless to Nirenstein argue that Israel is democratic because it is the Gaza of Hamas and want any of that is useless to someone recognizes the Jewish state if Israel does not recognize Palestine. The only "truth" that has the advantage of not being hypocritical is that hooligans of delusional Israelis, who contend that the only treaty in the Middle East valid is the Bible, a book published fantasy about two thousand years ago and set seven millennia ago. From this idiocy derives the right of Israel to exist.
In reality, all this evil enemies to mention that I do not recognize the Jewish state's right to exist and threatens him with weapons of all types, suggests that the intent is another one: Israel is preparing to attack Iran and need the support of the "elites". Here is the "truth."
To make a contribution to the evening, not only as the characters discounted Nirenstein, Ferrara and Carlo Panella (missing only the late Oriana Fallaci to enhance the anti-Islamic furor initiative), but also the president of Rome's Jewish community and Riccardo Pacifici well as "comrades" as Peppino Caldarola and Walter Veltroni, the side side with the piduista Fabrizio Cicchitto, the saltafossi Francesco Rutelli, the former English Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar and an audience of journalists Paolo Mieli, Corrado Augias, Toni Capuozzo. Everywhere the participation of Roberto Saviano (of which I always recall with horror his conversation with Shimon Peres that he compared the Camorra Hamas) and his alter ego Russian Nicolai Lilin, I had the displeasure to listen to a festival on human rights, while in substance defended Russia's right to massacre of Chechens to fight the "terrorists" (reminds you of something?). Surprisingly, we also find Furio Colombo, but ultimately goes like this: first I'm amazed, then I wonder what I wonder.


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