Eight thousand vehicles in less
He spoke again of the largest photovoltaic park in Europe, opened yesterday in San Bellino. Great enthusiasm for fans of the green economy. Great skepticism among the few "never happy", those who believe that a new development model does not move to environmentally friendly solar parks as big as 120 soccer fields are built without energy planning.
There is one thing that struck me as I read the description of the project in an article in the Corriere del Veneto today. "The system - writes my colleague - will produce energy equivalent to power approximately 16,500 households with an annual saving of almost 40 000 tonnes of CO2, compared to 8,000 cars off the road." Beautiful image, but it's just a comparison, the eight thousand vehicles from the streets does not take away anyone. Indeed.
As the article rightly points out, the plant is located next to the future sea-Nogales highway. " The future highway, as estimated Legambiente few years ago, will be covered daily by 25,000 vehicles, four more than in 2008. I do not know if the estimates are still valid, but certainly not built for a highway to drop traffic. Take, for good because of the Legambiente: the PV power plant saves CO2 (compared to what? Boh!) Equal to eight thousand machines in less than a year, the nearby highway will bring more than one million vehicles in more.
Vanni Right is right when he emphasizes that the current Provincial Councillor for Public Works, Francesco Ennio (IDV) incenses the Nogara Sea, while in his party who are fighting there (in committees citizens) against this unnecessary and destructive work. It 's a nice paradox. E 'as a paradox, however, that occurs naturally in our Province to live with a work that takes away a quantity of carbon dioxide equivalent to eight thousand vehicles per year and another work that will bring a million more, as if the two things were not in contradiction. But it is also for these paradoxes in Polesine the same people who talk for years of protection and enhancement of the Po Delta, then are the same ones that made the endorsement of coal conversion of a power station in the heart of the Po Delta
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