Corriere del Veneto from the January 6, 2011
Via Rovigo-free from the Ministry of Economic Development in the conversion of coal to Enel in Porto Tolle. The Minister Paul Romans put an end to a process that lasted five years, allowing the investment of € 2.5 billion to transform the old thermal power plant in the Delta del Po Yards project could start as early in autumn. It will take six years to start work on the new plant, which will be active for forty years: three sections powered by coal and, to a lesser extent, biomass and RDF to an electrical output of 1,980 megawatts. Will at least 2 000 workers employed for the decommissioning of old fuel oil central Polesine Smith and the construction of the new regime that will employ 380 employees, 350 maintenance workers and a hundred employees with logistics.
policy "With this measure, you unlock a site important for growth and lamodernizzazione of the territory," says Romans. Celebrate the president of the Region, Luca Zaia, "A decisive step that goes to have a positive impact from a general point of view on economic development and the specific energy on the economy of our region." Councillor for Infrastructure, Renato Chisso, the pitch is that "to make our region largely self-sufficient in demand and supply relationship. " He added: "The conversion restores a cost structure that otherwise would not come". Watch the territory to the territory of the Regional Councillor for Economic Development, Isi Coppola, who has three priorities for the immediate future: "To encourage local entrepreneurship, then consider the social impact, especially at the stage of construction, with hundreds of workers in an area sparsely populated. Finally-ends-see in this investment opportunity for the scientific and technological research and to create a new entrepreneurial class. " In the immediate compensation to reach Polesine € 30 million of compensation in construction stage, more than 90 million years of operation. The only Ici by the municipality of Porto Tolle is worth 5 million euro per year. "A game critically important" for the mayor Silvano Finotti, which now looks to next steps, "We must think about the implications for employment, acceptance, staff training, health, public safety." Sull'indotto Workers also focuses on workers' committee of Enel Porto Tolle, "Enel's investment goes far beyond the duration of the work to build the plant-emphasizes the spokesman, Maurizio Ferro-I think, for example, courses training. to characterize employees of the enterprises engaged in construction, resources for the local service sector. " The same workers, however, is worried about the 'pressures to the contrary "to the project: on the one hand, the use of the State Council of environmentalists, tourism operators and fishermen, the other by the prosecutor opened an investigation into alleged irregularities in Rovigo in permits. For the Committee, the obstacle is again the regional law on the Park, "which is adapted to the new technical and regulatory."
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