Thursday, March 17, 2011

How To Get Rid Of Hernia Without Surgery

by exposure to nuclear radiation is the risk to health (from

From an article on the website of the daily newspaper (see here ) indicates the consequences of radiation exposure.

exposure to nuclear radiation
Here are the health risks

Nausea, hair loss, bleeding, and then in the long term, thyroid cancer and leukemia, and death. These are the possible effects of exposure to radiation. The unit is the sievert , which is a remarkable value, so that typically is used submultiple millisieverts (mSv).

To give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe scale of values, each of us absorbs each year, due to natural radioactivity, an average of 2.4 millisieverts. An ordinary X-ray results for the patient an absorption of 1 millisievert, a CAT scan is between 3 and 4 mSvt, a pet or a scan from 10 to 20 mSv. In radiotherapy, of course, the doses go up much, according to the cancer that will destroy, and can exceed 40 mSv. The radiologists considered a fixed threshold of 6 mSv tolerated without consequences to a healthy body.

In Japan, near the center of Fukushima, has reached the quota of 400 mSv in an hour of exposure. What are the damages? According to the WHO charts, where it is exposed to a sievert (1,000 mSv) in one hour is incurred in temporary changes in hemoglobin, and when you go up to 2-5 sievert you have hair loss, nausea, bleeding. With 4 sievert absorbed in a week we have the death of 50% of cases, with 6 death is certain and immediate. This

only in the short term. In the long, as we saw with dramatic precision in the years following Chernobyl , even after 20 years or more, you risk tumors (especially thyroid), lymphomas and leukemias. The areas of the body considered the most radio-sensitive are those whose cells multiply very rapidly, skin, bone marrow and the sex glands. While the kidneys, liver, muscles and nervous system are considered radio-resistant, since the cells that make up these tissues are reproduced with less ease. The most immediate risk, then, are represented by inflammation involving the skin and mouth, by subcutaneous bleeding and hair loss.

The mortality rate is particularly high within 45 days from the moment you come into contact with radiation. Against contamination, only measures with some effectiveness are close in the house while causing the least possible contact with the outside air and the assumption of iodine, which targeted cells has been affected by preventing contamination from spreading in the body. Also essential personal hygiene, especially washing their hands. In severe cases, emergency response plans in all countries of the world provide for the evacuation of at least 5 km radius in the nuclear incident occurs.


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