Corriere del Veneto from the December 31, 2010
ROVIGO - Go Giorgio Crepaldi Pula to the second place prize of 'Environmentalist of the Year "awarded by Legambiente to people who play an important role in protecting the territory. Reclamation of the Consortium for Worker Po Delta and activist since 2002, the Committee "free citizens" of Porto Tolle, Crepaldi is perhaps the most representative figure of the front of the anti-coal conversion of Enel's Polesine Camerini. In recent years, a spokesman for the committee was involved in numerous actions against the project, including the use of the TAR, rejected by the judges of the court amministrativo.In these days the 'no coke' Polesine are preparing to bring a new appeal to the Council state, while the authorization process again seems blocked after the go-ahead by the conference staff was just last estate.È Crepaldi, two years ago, to discover among the documents of the commission of the Ministry of Environment Via the appraisals of the public prosecutor of Rovigo theorized that irregularities in the conversion project.
survey for which the Court Rovigo is still under the lens of the Ministry of Justice. With 372 popular votes, collected by many supporters in this autumn Polesine, low Pula activist won the second place on the podium, preceded by Antonio Diana, Caserta entrepreneur engaged in the recovery and recycling of waste.
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