February 13, 2016
As some of you may have noticed, since the last update has gone a long silence, a period during which I had little time even to read your reports. Today I live an instant valuable that could be the last, so listen well.
Claudio is back with all the weapons and supplies that could be useful to load, then we went away as possible from the epicenter Yellow Exodus in the opposite direction, toward any place safe enough to accommodate a base camp. We found it, but I will not say where he is. Instead, you have to know how much it cost.
explore the building, we found no trace of survivors or infected, so began the process of settlement. The center of our homes has become a radio in good condition, recovered by the Four, and in turn we hear the messages in search of NAA, always on the alert and ready to defend our position.
failing military skills, I was assigned to the task of cleaning and cooking. At least I can make myself useful and enjoy some protection. Everything seemed in order, a small corner of the fragile peace hard won, but then - as usual - the fate turns to viper bite. The usual cry, the usual racing heart pounding, and here we are out. Two yellow, one long and gray-haired woman and a stocky man and Elizabeth were attacking the girls. More screams - this time our - and then the shots. Why
'd bother to describe the scene? It would be painful for me and repetitive for you. Have seen, heard.
In short, the yellows killed once, we saw the sign of the bites. Elizabeth died shortly after from his wounds, but first asked Claudio to put her children to sleep. The snapshot of a broken man, that's what it was Claudio's face at that moment, but after he closed his eyes and nodded his wife carried out her task. Nadia had offered to do it for him, but shook his head Claudio has embraced her children and prepared the syringes. I did not know, but Elizabeth had prepared a series for all of us to leave in peace if it had happened just that.
only after putting her children to sleep, Claudio collapsed in tears, so we left it to Valerie and Rebecca hugged and went back into the room for the turn of the radio listening. From the usual pulpit, a spokesman for the NAA swore revenge on the enemies of the people and announced the roundup of Yellow, as well as a series of pompous threats against the seditious rebels. At that moment, I believe, was born our cell resistance, pain and anger. But it was not all.
With the girls, something has gone wrong. Perhaps the inexperience of Claudius, perhaps something unpredictable in the prion, but the next day girls woke up, hungry and Yellow. Unheeded, we prayed for hours to eliminate them, but now cracked in every reflection of his spirit, it has not wanted to know. By a kind of tacit understanding and respect between comrades in arms, others eventually gave up. Li looked incredulous and angry, looking confused words without being able to find more convincing, then David, I shook my head making me shook. Claudio knew longer than me, so I bowed my head to that decision.
The new mission of the Four is to undermine the power of NAA in the area, recruit volunteers and to feed the children with the blood of the enemy. We started with some small guerrilla action, leaving behind the mark of a 4 yellow as a signature. The first two recruits, a pair of brothers swept up in a farmhouse, seen hanging from the lips of Claudio and frightened to death by the girls. My girls, now. Yes, because this task was entrusted to me, others say, it now seems cold and indifferent as they did. If it is true, I swear that I do not care. The past is dead and this advancing daily, a foot before the other as the yellow on the march, and tomorrow ... well, tomorrow does not exist until you see it.
We are here, we will oppose and resist the NAA.
calling for vengeance, and blood for our girls.
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