Sunday, February 6, 2011

One Night Paris Clips

Palace Roverella to Cariparo. Duel in City Management

Corriere del Veneto from the February 6, 2011

ROVIGO - "I am not opposed to entrust to the Foundation building Roverella Cariparo, but I ask black and white terms." The culture, Riccardo Rizzo opened the proposal to give up to 15 years Roverella Palace, but calls for guarantees: "It looks like a competition to see who is more charitable towards the Foundation. The Municipality has the right to plan their cultural policy or not? ". Just yesterday
Luigi Costa, president of the Concorde, which manages the oaks with the town, had intervened claiming not to understand the "concerns" of some on the agreement and claiming that the grant to Cariparo is the only viable way to keeping alive the exhibitions.
Its "perplexity" Rizzo said starting right from the conduct of the Academy: last October, shows that, Costa has sent a letter to the Foundation Cariparo (registered only in town on January 12), supporting the ' hypothesis of the grant, he claimed Arrange for a partner "cooperating" and putting some conditions. The main demand was to "be empowered to organize temporary exhibitions in the autumn," in short, to make decisions about the annual program of exhibitions outside peak times. "Costa has in mind what to do and places demands - says Rizzo - Why we do not do the same? Signed the convention, but we managed to be included as the oaks. " The draft proposed by
Cariparo states essentially that the latter will pay for the utilities (about 50 000 euro per year) and for routine maintenance, while the City would only maintenance. Rizzo, however, laments the absence of light spots on the future planning of the most prestigious exposed Rovigo and would like to add some clauses relating primarily to the strengthening of the gallery and the scheduling of other events during the closing of the exhibitions. "I also want to be defined as synergy with other museums, for example by providing a single ticket to visit the museum of the Great Rivers - continued - again, I would guarantee the involvement of local realities that revolve around the oaks, such as tourist guides and operators of the ticket. " All issues that the commissioner for culture has brought to the attention of the mayor, Fausto Merchiori, without success, as the mayor seems to want to sign the agreement as it stands, supported inter alia by an array cross-cutting policy. "I will bring the proposals to city council on the basis of the verdict and decide how to behave - insists Rizzo - I appeal to cultural operators Rovigo because having support."
that the margins are almost non-existent to treat, however, confirms the same Luigi Costa. Requests submitted to the Academy in October, in fact, the Foundation has responded spades: "You will hear our opinion for the autumn exhibitions, like the others - he says - but he wants to take over the management of building oaks." Side reiterates its support to the Convention: "The negotiation is part of the rules of the game, now we must accept the agreement. Not to do so would be a disaster. "


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