Friday, March 18, 2011

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The heroes of Fukushima

In this video the 139 who are trying to avoid the apocalypse will not occur at Fukushima and in most of Japan.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

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by exposure to nuclear radiation is the risk to health (from

From an article on the website of the daily newspaper (see here ) indicates the consequences of radiation exposure.

exposure to nuclear radiation
Here are the health risks

Nausea, hair loss, bleeding, and then in the long term, thyroid cancer and leukemia, and death. These are the possible effects of exposure to radiation. The unit is the sievert , which is a remarkable value, so that typically is used submultiple millisieverts (mSv).

To give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe scale of values, each of us absorbs each year, due to natural radioactivity, an average of 2.4 millisieverts. An ordinary X-ray results for the patient an absorption of 1 millisievert, a CAT scan is between 3 and 4 mSvt, a pet or a scan from 10 to 20 mSv. In radiotherapy, of course, the doses go up much, according to the cancer that will destroy, and can exceed 40 mSv. The radiologists considered a fixed threshold of 6 mSv tolerated without consequences to a healthy body.

In Japan, near the center of Fukushima, has reached the quota of 400 mSv in an hour of exposure. What are the damages? According to the WHO charts, where it is exposed to a sievert (1,000 mSv) in one hour is incurred in temporary changes in hemoglobin, and when you go up to 2-5 sievert you have hair loss, nausea, bleeding. With 4 sievert absorbed in a week we have the death of 50% of cases, with 6 death is certain and immediate. This

only in the short term. In the long, as we saw with dramatic precision in the years following Chernobyl , even after 20 years or more, you risk tumors (especially thyroid), lymphomas and leukemias. The areas of the body considered the most radio-sensitive are those whose cells multiply very rapidly, skin, bone marrow and the sex glands. While the kidneys, liver, muscles and nervous system are considered radio-resistant, since the cells that make up these tissues are reproduced with less ease. The most immediate risk, then, are represented by inflammation involving the skin and mouth, by subcutaneous bleeding and hair loss.

The mortality rate is particularly high within 45 days from the moment you come into contact with radiation. Against contamination, only measures with some effectiveness are close in the house while causing the least possible contact with the outside air and the assumption of iodine, which targeted cells has been affected by preventing contamination from spreading in the body. Also essential personal hygiene, especially washing their hands. In severe cases, emergency response plans in all countries of the world provide for the evacuation of at least 5 km radius in the nuclear incident occurs.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

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Interactive map 1

Interesting interactive representation of the complex fi Fuckushima 1, from the republic. It (here )

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central Fukushima Fukushima Incident

I when you get to use a indrante, as mega, to lower the temperature of a nuclear reactor, has reached a point to say the least "critical."

It 'obvious that TEPCO has lost control of the situation and we rely on extemporaneous solutions, based on 50 unfortunate that most likely will leave us life!

The French entry dell'autority responsible for the French nuclear safety, which for some days are evaluating the situation more critical than IAEA, now the currency risk between 6 and 7 of INES scale (see here), which as we all learned about reach a maximum scale of 7.

7 catastrophic accidents


serious accident
Accident with significant consequences
Accident local consequences
serious fault
deviation (not significant for safety)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

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EPR, the French Nuclear Fusion

If Italy is decided to build a nuclear reactor, the choice of technology should rest with the type EPR (European pressured Reactor), considered In 2008, ENEL has begun a collaboration with France's EDF.

Picking up wikipedia (full article here )

The main aims of the project are
- improving the safety of the facility;
- making it economically more competitive

The EPR can be used as fuel: oxide uranium enriched up to 4.9% in (~ 3.5% on average whereas the other partially burned cycles) or MOX (mixed oxides of uranium and plutonium) up to 100% of the kernel.

the EPR nuclear reactor project involves multiple systems of both active and passive protection against various types of accidents:

  • four independent emergency cooling systems, each capable alone to cool the reactor core after its off;
  • a metal containment around the reactor to seal the leakage of radioactive material in an accident with rupture of the primary circuit;
  • a container (core catcher) and an area passive cooling of the molten material in the unlikely event that the molten core of radioactive nuclear fuel can be released from the pressure vessel (see containment building )
  • double-walled outer reinforced concrete, with a thickness total of 2.6 m, designed to withstand the direct impact of a large airliner (and in this regard were raised doubts about the real effect it would have a similar impact)
If you unhappy in Italy decided to build a nuclear reactor, the choice of technology should rest with the type EPR (European pressured Reactor), whereas in 2008 ENEL has begun a collaboration with France's EDF.

Picking up wikipedia (full article here)

The main aims of the project are
- increase plant safety;
- making it economically more competitive

The EPR can be used as fuel: enriched uranium oxide up to 4.9% in (~ 3.5% on average whereas the other partially burned cycles) or MOX (mixed oxides of uranium and plutonium) up to 100% of the kernel.

the EPR nuclear reactor project involves multiple systems of both active and passive protection against various types of accidents:
four independent emergency cooling systems, each capable alone of cool the reactor core after shutdown;
a metal containment around the reactor to seal the leakage of radioactive material in the event of an accident with rupture of the primary circuit;
a container (core catcher) and an area of \u200b\u200bpassive cooling of the molten material in the unlikely event that the core of nuclear fuel radioactive zone can escape from the container in pressure (see containment building);
double outer wall of reinforced concrete, with a total thickness of 2.6 m, designed to withstand the direct impact of a large airliner (and in this regard are doubts arose about the real effect it would have a similar impact)
from the Wikipedia article you may experience problems design and implementation of systems that have already emerged.

in English on the site of Areva there are all the technical details of the project.

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fuel rods

Citing the Japanese agency Kyodo News the fuel rods of the first reactor at the Fukushima central zone 1 is 70%, while the latter reactor is 33%.

sources are cited Tokyo Electric Power Co , the company that operates the plant in question.

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meltdown and other nuclear explosions

At this time we are likely, if not already done so in part to the merger of at least one (maybe two others) of the reactor core of nuclear power plant in Fukushima.

Tonight in Italy, in the morning in Japan, there were two other explosions.

breaking news, the fourth reactor exploded again! 4 workers were missing in the turbines.

by now as it was clear from the beginning, the authorities around the world are defining "apocalypse," Japan can no longer control over the situation.

Monday, March 14, 2011

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operation and several explosions in Fukushima

In this post you want to recover the internet resources that explain the operation of the BWR reactor, the type of Fukushima.

- an explanation of the fission reactor here and here

- an explanation of reatore BWR boiling water nuclear here

- nuclear energy Japan here

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According to France the incident to Fukushimma reactors is much more serious than estimated by the Japanese.

According to the French the accident is a Class 5 ( Accident with significant consequences) or 6 (major accident) instead of INES 4 ( Accident with local consequences) as indicated by Japanese (f shame ).

The information that comes from Nipponese authorities are sometimes confused by the "okay" to "we do not exclude the meltdown."

What is happening in these plants, with primary and secondary cooling systems fails, the fuel rods remain uncovered by water that acts as a moderator for the nuclear reaction but also serves as a coolant.

With the uncontrolled growth of the temperature of the reactor, the zirconium alloy that coats the uranium fuel rods began to melt and the water formed by reactions with hydrogen, a highly volatile gas . And the hydrogen produced in this way would have caused the explosion a number of Fukushima plant, which for now does not seem at risk merger. But the growth temperature is a danger, especially for fuel rods, whose merger, according to TEPCO, could have occurred in reactor number two in Fukushima. (Source )

This article espresso. It is explained the situation and what can happen here.

below the first and second explosion

Saturday, March 12, 2011

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New Nuclear Power Plants in Japan, incidence of Fukushima-Daiichi

11/03/11 After the earthquake in Japan on the issue of security of nuclear power plants will be part of internal debate, since the referendum of 6.12.

Japan is simultaneously one of the most seismic-nuclear world, which would at least give pause to the experts.

After a day of doubt, at the time of writing this post, seems to define the idea of \u200b\u200ba nuclear fission reactor plant during the first Fukushima-Daiichi .

The reactor Fukushima-Daiichi , taking the information from wikipedia, is a plant-type BWR built between 1967 and 1970, entered into according to the following year.

Friday, February 18, 2011

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Back to the ghost of Cie. Now Maroni says, "Campalto" published on February 15, 2011

Feather the idea of \u200b\u200busing the former base of Zeal, in Polesine, now the government aims to build Venice on the first Center identification and deportation of immigrants Veneto. This time the ad is for the mouth of the Interior Minister, Roberto Maroni: The CIE will be built alongside the new jail project Campalto. No coordination of Venice Cie responds with a public meeting Thursday to Mestre.
hypothesis fails to Verona, last summer the first detention center for illegal immigrants seemed destined to become in the province of Rovigo, in an old abandoned military base near Ceneselli, on the border with Verona. A perfect solution to remove the chestnuts from the fire and the center-right Northern League, but supporters of Cie opposed to host it in his own stronghold. Instead a few days ago Maroni has messed up again the cards on the table, announcing before the industrial Venetian building a new prison at the same time Cie Campalto, a suburb of Mestre. Polesine As happened in August, the announcement immediately followed the ire of the center, took away the center part of the intervention of the regional president, Luca Zaia, to appease the spirits: "Nothing is safe." Equally obvious is the joy of mayors in the province of Rovigo, in the days following the news that have expressed their happiness at seeing the buck passing into the hands of someone else. Celebrate even the mayor of Ceneselli the finiano Mark Throop, although last summer was that the critical Cie in general: "I took off my thinking." Who has not taken the thought is the coordination veneto No Cie, created by contacts between organizations throughout the region following an appeal against the hypothesis Zeal, published Estnord last summer. After the Stowaway Day of September in the province of Rovigo, which sanctioned the Birth of coordination, now the center of gravity of the mobilization becomes the Venetian, where the No Cie launch an appeal: "The so-called Identification and Expulsion Centres - they write - set up by the Bossi-Fini law on immigration as a further decline of the CPT are structures cruel and ineffective. " Coordination lagoon recalls how Cie clash against the fundamental rights of the people and against the Constitution and how humanitarian organizations and agencies of the European Union have denounced several times in the hygienic conditions unlivable, the lack of assistance and the many suspicious deaths in those prisons which are abhorrent to people who have not committed any crime.
"The decision of the Minister Maroni - continuing - is, moreover, because of its tax burden as a measure of authoritarian anti-democratic violence against our city and its cosmopolitan tradition, as a gesture of arrogance towards centralization of our community local, always actively involved in the reception of migrants in the construction and supportive of a future mixed-race. " [The appeal can be read in full on site Melting Pot ]

Thursday, February 17, No Cie meet at 20.30 in the hall of the Cultural Center Santa Maria delle Grazie, in Poerio in Mestre, to restart the mobilization against the project. With only one possible conclusion: "No to Cie nor Campalto or elsewhere."

Sunday, February 13, 2011

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February 13, 2016

As some of you may have noticed, since the last update has gone a long silence, a period during which I had little time even to read your reports. Today I live an instant valuable that could be the last, so listen well.

when the four curves are, telling what happened when he was a prisoner at Camp Andrew, we were already looking at the column of smoke and the distant glow of the flames. However, just like ours, many eyes have risen. Now the yellows are everywhere. Attracted by that signal, and - at least those in your vicinity - the warmth that emanated, gathered out of every corner and hiding place of the plain. My message to Andrew is gone, I wish him good luck or at least a peaceful death, a precious thing these days.
Claudio is back with all the weapons and supplies that could be useful to load, then we went away as possible from the epicenter Yellow Exodus in the opposite direction, toward any place safe enough to accommodate a base camp. We found it, but I will not say where he is. Instead, you have to know how much it cost.

explore the building, we found no trace of survivors or infected, so began the process of settlement. The center of our homes has become a radio in good condition, recovered by the Four, and in turn we hear the messages in search of NAA, always on the alert and ready to defend our position.
failing military skills, I was assigned to the task of cleaning and cooking. At least I can make myself useful and enjoy some protection. Everything seemed in order, a small corner of the fragile peace hard won, but then - as usual - the fate turns to viper bite. The usual cry, the usual racing heart pounding, and here we are out. Two yellow, one long and gray-haired woman and a stocky man and Elizabeth were attacking the girls. More screams - this time our - and then the shots. Why
'd bother to describe the scene? It would be painful for me and repetitive for you. Have seen, heard.
In short, the yellows killed once, we saw the sign of the bites. Elizabeth died shortly after from his wounds, but first asked Claudio to put her children to sleep. The snapshot of a broken man, that's what it was Claudio's face at that moment, but after he closed his eyes and nodded his wife carried out her task. Nadia had offered to do it for him, but shook his head Claudio has embraced her children and prepared the syringes. I did not know, but Elizabeth had prepared a series for all of us to leave in peace if it had happened just that.
only after putting her children to sleep, Claudio collapsed in tears, so we left it to Valerie and Rebecca hugged and went back into the room for the turn of the radio listening. From the usual pulpit, a spokesman for the NAA swore revenge on the enemies of the people and announced the roundup of Yellow, as well as a series of pompous threats against the seditious rebels. At that moment, I believe, was born our cell resistance, pain and anger. But it was not all.
With the girls, something has gone wrong. Perhaps the inexperience of Claudius, perhaps something unpredictable in the prion, but the next day girls woke up, hungry and Yellow. Unheeded, we prayed for hours to eliminate them, but now cracked in every reflection of his spirit, it has not wanted to know. By a kind of tacit understanding and respect between comrades in arms, others eventually gave up. Li looked incredulous and angry, looking confused words without being able to find more convincing, then David, I shook my head making me shook. Claudio knew longer than me, so I bowed my head to that decision.

Today Rebecca and Valerie are housed behind a sturdy railing. When not growling with desire for our blood, chest tighten their dolls and fondle hair, almost remember when her mother combed her to calm her.
The new mission of the Four is to undermine the power of NAA in the area, recruit volunteers and to feed the children with the blood of the enemy. We started with some small guerrilla action, leaving behind the mark of a 4 yellow as a signature. The first two recruits, a pair of brothers swept up in a farmhouse, seen hanging from the lips of Claudio and frightened to death by the girls. My girls, now. Yes, because this task was entrusted to me, others say, it now seems cold and indifferent as they did. If it is true, I swear that I do not care. The past is dead and this advancing daily, a foot before the other as the yellow on the march, and tomorrow ... well, tomorrow does not exist until you see it.

We are here, we will oppose and resist the NAA.
calling for vengeance, and blood for our girls.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

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plaque to shame

The dorm will have
the monument as it expects of us Italians
but that stone will be built
up to us to decide.

not with stones smoked
of defenseless villages battered by your extermination
not with the earth of the cemeteries where our fellow youths

not rest in peace with the untouched snow in the mountains for two winters

challenge you not with these spring
valleys that saw you escape.

But only the silence of the tortured
harder for each
only rock with the rock of this covenant between free men

sworn volunteers who flocked to
dignity and not to hate

determined to redeem the shame and terror of the world.

On these streets if you want to return us to our seats

end up dead and living people
same commitment neck tightened around the monument
now and forever

Peter Calamandrei

Sunday, February 6, 2011

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Palace Roverella to Cariparo. Duel in City Management

Corriere del Veneto from the February 6, 2011

ROVIGO - "I am not opposed to entrust to the Foundation building Roverella Cariparo, but I ask black and white terms." The culture, Riccardo Rizzo opened the proposal to give up to 15 years Roverella Palace, but calls for guarantees: "It looks like a competition to see who is more charitable towards the Foundation. The Municipality has the right to plan their cultural policy or not? ". Just yesterday
Luigi Costa, president of the Concorde, which manages the oaks with the town, had intervened claiming not to understand the "concerns" of some on the agreement and claiming that the grant to Cariparo is the only viable way to keeping alive the exhibitions.
Its "perplexity" Rizzo said starting right from the conduct of the Academy: last October, shows that, Costa has sent a letter to the Foundation Cariparo (registered only in town on January 12), supporting the ' hypothesis of the grant, he claimed Arrange for a partner "cooperating" and putting some conditions. The main demand was to "be empowered to organize temporary exhibitions in the autumn," in short, to make decisions about the annual program of exhibitions outside peak times. "Costa has in mind what to do and places demands - says Rizzo - Why we do not do the same? Signed the convention, but we managed to be included as the oaks. " The draft proposed by
Cariparo states essentially that the latter will pay for the utilities (about 50 000 euro per year) and for routine maintenance, while the City would only maintenance. Rizzo, however, laments the absence of light spots on the future planning of the most prestigious exposed Rovigo and would like to add some clauses relating primarily to the strengthening of the gallery and the scheduling of other events during the closing of the exhibitions. "I also want to be defined as synergy with other museums, for example by providing a single ticket to visit the museum of the Great Rivers - continued - again, I would guarantee the involvement of local realities that revolve around the oaks, such as tourist guides and operators of the ticket. " All issues that the commissioner for culture has brought to the attention of the mayor, Fausto Merchiori, without success, as the mayor seems to want to sign the agreement as it stands, supported inter alia by an array cross-cutting policy. "I will bring the proposals to city council on the basis of the verdict and decide how to behave - insists Rizzo - I appeal to cultural operators Rovigo because having support."
that the margins are almost non-existent to treat, however, confirms the same Luigi Costa. Requests submitted to the Academy in October, in fact, the Foundation has responded spades: "You will hear our opinion for the autumn exhibitions, like the others - he says - but he wants to take over the management of building oaks." Side reiterates its support to the Convention: "The negotiation is part of the rules of the game, now we must accept the agreement. Not to do so would be a disaster. "

Saturday, January 29, 2011

How Long Do You Store Tithing Envelopes

Hide and seek

January 29, 2016
Live and hidden.

After the revolt of the hospital, local forces have the nerves of the NAA test and trigger-happy. Closer to implementing the plan Claudio require more caution, so we are watching every move furtively studying the enemy to be a reasonable safe distance. I can only imagine that dressing down from the top must fall as a cold shower on the upper elevations. His arrogance - which is ultimately that of the entire NAA - and excessive self-confidence they finally worked for us. I wanted to take their communications equipment to spy on the movements, but Claudio pointed out to me that if you use a GPS on there would be on him in an instant, so all that may have caused our flight is the result of observations and assumptions.
After hiding our means in what seems like a safe haven for now, I have four parties in fact-finding mission. Elizabeth takes care of the girls, Rebecca ended in a silence almost as autistic Valentina avoids the gaze his sister, even if you do not never goes away for more than three steps. I'm fine, really. Elisabeth is not convinced, and even others who look at me as if waiting for some kind of reaction, but it's all right. Yes, I had never shot anyone - well, a healthy one - the first of perspective, but overestimate the impact this may have had on me. After all, when you delete one by one your loved ones - even if Yellow - not much left to kill you, especially after you've shot a motherfucker like him. I mean, I consider them zombies is bullshit, are not dead and we all know very well, so tell us not to accept the reality of things. You easier to shoot something that you think is "already dead" rather than a person who is suffering and that maybe you even loved him, a human being like you. Only much, much more unfortunate, of course. I do not speak of this, I do not know if they would understand, or maybe even if you think they say it, but do not want to admit to himself and with everyone else, so I prefer to keep it to myself, close a door to the curious. Others - particularly Elizabeth - objected that this is the problem I deleted every emotion somewhere deep inside, and the Prospectus do not have that throw the key. Well, in times like these I do not seem much harm, even if it were true. I told them to think girls, if I want to talk to me there's always the blog. However

Let's forget these things and think about the practical situation.

Four have located a group NAA, took pictures and made the report for a group meeting, they would approach them for a mission of rescue and recovery. Looking at the pictures I cheered with relief, seeing a chance for us and for their . We need resources and people to continue. Elizabeth and Claudio have discussed all night, fight until we left them alone with some embarrassment. According to her, we are pushing too far with this thing the rebels and is convinced that Claudius does so only to avoid facing the problem girls, preferring to kick his head in his old job rather than looking to his family that he needs him. I'm not even tell you whatever someone has pissed off, told his wife to think about doing the cardiologist and dropping the psychology that those bastards must be stopped and someone must be countered, then slammed the door and I heard nothing of intelligible, only the usual cries, muffled by the walls this time. The next day they were both in a foul mood - even for the lost sleep - and Claudio is shared with his team, but first you did write a message for me, words were: Darmok at Tanagra and Jalade signed Judah. She put in his pocket and told me that somehow he would arrive at their destination.

Now we just have to await developments, remain hidden and have faith in the Quattro.
Funny how the mind works, I think of them and I remember the refrain of Lily , a song by Kate Bush.
Gabriel before me Raphael behind me
Michael to my right,
Uriel on my left side.

In the circle of fire!
stay alive.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pilladas Torbe Descargar Gratis

January 25, 2016
Live and on the go, for now.

Ve do the short. When the last
load of supplies has gone, leaving us with a reduced quota of column, we meant to take the chance. We should have been more cautious, proceed in an efficient and clean ... but when did things go as we want? In fact, everything exploded.

When surprised with her hands on Rebecca Varese, Claudio fire. The little girl cried, making everyone rush. The trend is clear I am not yet clear at that moment everyone seems to have lived like a movie that could not stop, remote and scary, almost happen to someone else in another life. What can I say? What I remember is the feeling of the blood leaves the veins of a sudden, then my own heartbeat - hurried, as if to run away - like an echo in my ears. The weapon of Varese was placed nearby, next to the bed of the girl, Claudio took it and fired a long time, joy and anger. He stopped only when he met the eyes of Valentine, from under her bed had seen it all. The revolt then broke out as a wave. The ratio of prisoners and soldiers was about two to one, we were able to take advantage only with weapons. Varese was in charge of supplies, remember? So, grab the keys from his carcass, we picked up guns and rifles by the armor. Fell everyone, including the Prospectus. I said, 'Maybe today I'll kill you ", then I felt so ridiculous at that joke ... effect - who I believe to be, Ash? - But no one seems to have noticed. Funny, I have not tried anything by killing him, just the feeling of a void that opened in my chest making me light. shock or relief, I have no idea. Elizabeth says we'll find out in the coming days, as Rebecca and Valentina.

Of the eleven we were, we survived eight.
Louis and Valeria not have made it, and even Daniel. I have not had time to talk about her or the other, and even if it seems too late now it is worth remembering that Daniela Masters, until the last brave paramedic, was killed while rendering assistance to his companions. The others are David, Luca and Nadia, Claudio former colleagues, all military. What a nice surprise, eh? With them we decided what to do: take the bus and disappear before anyone was waiting to collect parcels. It was debated whether he should disguise themselves as NAA or not, eventually won the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Trojan Horse. The former soldiers are convincing, but I, Elizabeth and girls, let the party hostage. I told them everything I know of NAA and the information collected online. Milan is a mirage and a nightmare at the same time, so it was discarded, while Caorso is an impregnable fortress plus a den of vipers.

For now I will not say where we are heading, provided there is a goal.
We have collected all the supplies and weapons that we could load, now we need a shelter and time for reflection, lick the wounds and maybe start a new life. This is at least what I thought ... but I Four of the Apocalypse - as named by Elizabeth - seem to consider the idea of \u200b\u200bplaying a dirty trick to NAA, especially Claudio, who took control of the situation as it had to do a time when his degree meant something more.

Stay alive,
we will certainly do our best.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

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Friday, January 21, 2011

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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

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